Herb 0.12-0.25 m tall with a few to several stems arising annually from a perennial woody rootstock; stems slender, sparingly branched, softly woody below, hispid to villous. Leaves sessile or subses-sile; blade lanceolate-elliptic or elliptic to broadly ovate, 6-12 x 4-6 mm, sparingly to densely hispid, apex acute to obtuse, base obtuse, margin entire. Inflorescence simple, 50-100 mm long; verticils 2-flowered; bracts ovate, 4-5 mm long, caducous. Calyx 7-8 mm long at maturity, hispid, freely gland-dotted. Corolla white to pale mauve, 12-15 mm long; tube 8-12 mm long, widening to 4 mm at the mouth; lower lip 3-5 mm long. Stamens well exserted beyond the lower lip; upper pair attached about the middle of the tube, filaments pubescent near the base; lower pair united to near the apex. Stigma shortly bifid.