Shrub 1-2 m tall, much branched; stems shortly tomentose. Leaves shortly petiolate; blade obovate to oblanceolate, 15-25 x 6-11 mm, upper surface sparingly hispid, under-surface hispid and gland-dotted, apex rounded, base obtuse to cuneate, margin obscurely crenate-dentate mainly above the middle; petiole 1-3 mm long. Inflorescence usually sparingly branched near the base, lax, 10-150 mm long; verticils 2-flowered; bracts ovate to broadly elliptical, 14-16 x 6-8 mm, mauve pink, persisting as a distinct coma. Calyx 10 mm long at maturity, sparingly glandular-hispidulous. Corolla mauve, 25-28 mm long; tube 20-22 mm long, widening to 4-5 mm at the mouth; lower lip 5 mm long. Stamens well exserted beyond the lower lip; upper pair attached about the middle of the tube, filaments pubescent near the base; lower pair united to the apex. Stigma shortly bifid.