Trees, to 15 m tall. Branchlets grayish white when dry, compressed, shallowly grooved. Petiole 1-1.5 cm; leaf blade broadly lanceolate to elliptic, 10-21 × 3-7 cm, leathery, both surfaces brownish green when dry, abaxially with numerous small glands, secondary veins 10-13 on each side of midvein, 0.8-1.3 cm apart, and at an angle of ca. 45° from midvein, reticulate veins conspicuous, intramarginal veins ca. 3 mm from margin, base broadly cuneate, apex acuminate. Inflorescences, terminal or sometimes lateral on leafless branches, paniculate cymes, 3-6 cm, usually 2-4-clustered; peduncle brown, 2-4 cm, terete. Flowers sessile, 1-3-clustered. Hypanthium obconic, ca. 2.5 mm, apical part ampliate. Calyx lobes inconspicuous. Petals distinct, suborbicular, ca. 3 mm. Stamens 1-1.5 mm; anthers grayish white when dry. Style ca. 2 mm. Young fruit globose. Fl. Apr-May.
A tree. It grows 15 m tall. The leaves are broadly sword shaped and 10-21 cm long by 3-7 cm wide. The flowers are at the ends of branches or on side branches. The flowers are in clusters of 1-3. The fruit are round.