Plants single, forming a tangled clump with most roots growing through the air. Roots numerous, flat in cross-section, 50–200 × 2–3 mm, green or grey-green with an irregular row of white spots. Stem 10–20 mm long, covered with short bracts that fray to leave a covering of stiff, hair-like structures. Racemes 20–40 mm long, thread-like, wiry, glabrous, with crowded apical cluster of bracts, 5–15-flowered, 1–3 open at once. Flowers 5–6 × 4–5 mm, yellow, opening widely in evening, fragrant. Sepals and petals widely spreading. Dorsal sepal c. 5 × 1.2 mm. Lateral sepals c. 5 × 1 mm. Petals c. 4.7 × 1 mm. Labellum c. 8.5 × 3 mm including spur; spur projected backwards, c. 4.5 mm long, inflated near apex.
Locally common; found growing in humid situations on slopes and ridges in sparse, humid scrub, rainforest and in stream-side vegetation.