Straggling shrub, 3-10 m high. Leaves petiolate, lanceolate, base attenuate, apex acuminate; dark glossy green. Stipules ovate, blackening when dry. Flowers terminal (sometimes axillary), pedunculate, cymes corymbose; 5-merous. Calyx: lobes oblong, concave. Corolla cream-coloured, bearded in throat; lobes ± oblong, contorted; tube cylindrical. Stamens in corolla throat, ± included. Disc annular. Ovary 2-locular, 1 or more ovules per locule; style exserted; pollen presenter narrowly spindle-shaped, bifid at apex. Flowering time Sept.-Dec. Fruit scarcely fleshy, black, tipped with remains of calyx lobes. Seeds spherical with a small ± circular excavation, surface reticulate.