Shrubs 0.5-1 tall, young stems tomentose, becoming glabrous, hairs yellowish brown, more rarely white, both verticillate and stellate. Branches black, subsmooth, scattered lenticellate. Leaves opposite; petiole 8-12 mm, pilose; leaf blade ovate or ovate-oblong, 5-10 × 3-5.5 cm, leathery, abaxial surface persistently tomentose, adaxial surface rapidly glabrescent, lateral veins 5-8 pairs, base subrounded, margin entire or repand, apex obtuse or acute. Umbels 2-or 3-fascicled, sometimes at leafless nodes, 3-5-flowered; peduncle 1-2 mm, yellow-brown or brown, rarely white, tomentose; bracts ovate, ca. 1 mm, apex acute. Pedicel 2-3 mm. Calyx ellipsoid, ca. 2 mm, limb annular, entire or minutely 4-toothed. Mature bud 2.2-3.2 cm, tip ellipsoid. Corolla red, slightly curved, pilose with dense verticillate hairs, basal part inflated, lobes lanceolate, 7-8 mm, reflexed. Filaments 1.5-2 mm; anthers 3.5-4 mm, multilocellate. Stigma capitate. Berry yellowish, ovoid or ellipsoid, 5-10 × 4-6 mm, granulose, pilose. Fl. May-Sep, fr. Aug-Oct.
A shrub that grows attached to other plants. It grows 1 m tall. The young stems have a grey coating. The branches are black. The leaves are opposite and oval. They are 5-10 cm long by 4-5 cm wide. They are leathery. The fruit is an oval yellow berry. It is 5-10 mm long by 4-6 mm wide. It has a rough surface. It grows in chestnut, kaki, oak, peach and pear and others.
It is a tropical plant. It grows in Yunnan in China. It grows in forests, mountain slopes, valleys, orchards and gardens. It grows between 1,700-3,000 m above sea level.