Plants terrestrial, 40-80 cm tall. Rhizome creeping to suberect, short, stout, densely scaly at apex and stipe bases; scales stiff, brown, linear-lanceolate, 6-8 mm, membranous, ciliate, apices long acuminate. Fronds clustered, subdimorphic, fertile fronds rather tall but narrowed; stipe stramineous, 30-50 cm, throughout covered with light brown hairs. Sterile lamina bipinnatifid to tripinnatifid, deep green or brown when dried, pentagonal, 30-35 × 30-35 cm, thickly herbaceous to leathery, both surfaces pubescent; rachises and costae stramineous, densely covered with articulate hairs; terminal pinna pinnatifid, base cuneate to decurrent, apex acuminate; lateral pinnae 1-5 pairs, opposite, interval 4-6 cm, oblique; basal pinnae pinnate with 1-3 undulate or pinnatifid lobes, 15-20 cm, rather large, stalks 2-3 cm, lower lobes larger than upper ones; middle pinnae falcate-lanceolate, undulate to pinnatifid, stalks becoming shorter, oblique, 6-8 cm, apices long caudate. Veinlets forming copious subhexagonal areoles with cross veins, included veinlets simple or not, distinctly forming long areoles with arcuate veinlet beside pinna rachis and main veins. Sori orbicular, terminal on veinlets, in one 1 row beside main veins; indusia brown, orbicular or reniform, firm, persistent.
Caudex short-creeping or suberect, bearing dimorphous fronds with occasional intermediates; stipe castaneous, longest on fertile fronds, its basal scales to 8 mm long, firm with fragile margins; sterile lamina to c. 30 cm long with 3 or 4 pairs of pinnae and a deeply lobed terminal lamina; basal pinnae to 20 cm long, usually with 1 pair (rarely 2 or 3) of pinnules, the basal basiscopic one to 12 × 3 cm, lobed 1/3 towards its costa; middle pinnae lobed to at least halfway to their costae, the lobes oblique, obtuse; veins forming narrow areoles along costae of pinnae and costules of lobes with additional oblique areoles a few of which have an included free veinlet; short hairs present on both surfaces of costae and costules, also some on upper surface near margins; pinnae of fertile fronds ± contracted and more deeply lobed, the venation ± modified with absence of regular costular areoles; sori mostly at the ends of free veins in areoles, variably impressed (most deeply where the lamina is most constricted), indusia large, firm.