Caudex erect or ± prostrate; stipe to 45 cm long, castaneous, adaxially glabrous apart from scales; basal scales to 20 mm long and more than 2 mm wide; lamina to 40 cm long; pinnae to 4 pairs free and 3 pairs ± adnate; apical lamina small; basal pinnae to 30 cm long, free pinnules to 4 pairs, basal basiscopic pinnule to 17 cm long with 2 pairs of deeply lobed tertiary leaflets (largest 3.5 × 1.7 cm) and 2 pairs adnate; basal pinnules on second pair of pinnae bearing 1 pair of tertiary leaflets; pinnules on middle pinnae very deeply lobed with ± crenate lobes; veins forming costal and costular areoles, usually no additional areoles below sinuses between pinna-lobes; lower surface almost glabrous; upper surface of rachis and pinna-rachises densely short-hairy, surface between veins bearing very few hairs except near sinuses; sori mostly at the ends of acroscopic branches of veins in pinnule-lobes, marked by prominences on the upper surface; indusia thin, at first covering sori, shrivelling later and then not conspicuous.