Caudex long-creeping with well-spaced fronds, 8 mm diameter (dried), its scales 2 mm wide, less than 10 mm long; stipe to 90 cm long, pale or lighdy reddish, glabrous with a few scales near the base; lamina to 80 cm long, pinnate with pinnalike apex, basal 1 or 2 pairs of pinnae with stalks 2-3 cm long bearing 1 or 2 pairs of pinnules about the same size as apical lamina; suprabasal pinnae sessile, to 25 × 2.5 cm, narrowed gradually to both ends, entire or with slightly sinuous margins; main veins c. 10 mm apart, upcurved, with several series of areoles between them; surfaces of pinnae both glabrous; sori small, scattered irregularly, not at the ends of veins in areoles; indusia small, reniform, glabrous; slender paraphyses present.