Flowers in subspherical terminal heads exceeded by the leaves; bracts large and usually conspicuous, up to 14 × 9 mm, suborbicular and long-acuminate, densely brown tomentose to villous, often interspersed with long whitish hairs; pedicels 5–7 mm long, whitish villous.
Calyx 7–10 mm long, densely brown to whitish villous, the teeth longer than the campanulate part, the lower one very slightly longer than the others, the two upper teeth not or very slightly fused.
Petals 13–15 mm long, purplish or sometimes blue; standard subrectangular to suborbicular, truncate to slightly cordate at the base; lower margin of keel curved ± through 90°.
Young branches densely brown or greyish spreading-pubescent to tomentose.
Ovary appressed-pubescent, style pubescent.
Stamen tube c.9 mm long.
Shrub 0.3–2 m high.
Pod not seen.