Procumbent herb; stems reddish, sparsely appressed pilose.. Leaf-rhachis up to 10 cm. long, including a petiole of up to 4 cm., not or hardly prolonged beyond lateral leaflets; stipules broadly ovate, auriculate at one side, up to 8 by 5 mm.; leaflets 7–15, narrowly oblong, up to 35 by 5 mm., rounded at the tip, glabrous above, pilose beneath.. Flowers pinkish-white in short pedunculate pseudoracemes and in upper leaf-axils; bracts broadly ovate, caducous; pedicels up to 5 mm. long.. Calyx reddish, sparsely appressed pilose; tube 2–3 mm. long; upper teeth minute (± 0.2 mm. long), lateral ovate, 1.5 mm. long, lowest 2.5 mm. long.. Standard silver and golden silky, ± 15 mm. long by 16 mm. wide; wings and keel glabrous.. Upper filament lightly attached, callously thickened 1 mm. above the base; filament-sheath ± 12 mm., free parts 3–4 mm., anthers 0.7 mm. long.. Style pubescent on both sides, bent through 80° near the base, ± 6 mm. long.. Pod straw-coloured with thickened green sutures, nearly straight, ± 5 cm. long by 5 mm. wide by 1.5 mm. thick, sparsely appressed pilose; beak continuing line of upper suture, rather downcurved.. Seeds 10–13, greenish black, obliquely transverse, ± 3 by 1.8 mm.; hilum at the side of the base, hardly arillate.