Stems sparsely to fairly densely pubescent, with at least some hairs towards the base of the stem long and conspicuously spreading, usually brown, very rarely with all hairs appressed.
Calyx (3.5)4.5–7 mm long, with long brown loosely appressed to spreading hairs; upper teeth about equalling the tube, connate for ½–? length.
Flowers in simple, elongate, lax racemes up to 25 cm long; bracts up to 6 × 0.3 mm, linear, inconspicuous; pedicels 3–6 mm long.
A slender annual with a long, thin taproot; stems simple or sparingly branched in the lower part only, 20–50(90) cm high.
Pods (42)58–72 × 4–5 mm, appressed-pubescent with usually long hairs overlying shorter ones, straw-coloured.
Petals pink or pale purplish; standard 15–20 mm long.
Ovary appressed-pubescent; style pubescent.
Stamen tube joined above.
Seeds 8–12(13).