Flowers in short terminal racemes 0.5–3(5 in fruit) cm long and in the axils of the upper 1–4 leaves; bracts 1.5–3 × 0.7–1 mm, ovate to narrowly triangular; pedicels 2–4 mm long.
Pods 20–30 × 7–9 mm, boat-shaped, with the long style persisting almost to maturity, glabrous except at the margins, brown; seeds 3–5, elongated transversely.
Ovary glabrous on the surfaces but with long, rather stiffly spreading hairs on the margins; style pubescent, c.1 cm long in fruit.
Calyx 5–6 mm long, appressed-pubescent; upper teeth joined for about ¾ their length, lateral teeth about equalling the tube.
Young stems densely clothed with appressed to ascending grey hairs.
Petals c.15 mm long, pale rose-wine coloured to reddish-blue.
A somewhat woody subshrub up to 1.5 m high.
Staminal tube connate above.