Fruticose, branches straight, erect, sulcate or angular, especially at the extremity, densely leafy. Leaves shortly petiolate, 2.5-3.8 cm long, 6-12-jugate; leaflets 0.8-3.6 cm long, 2-6 mm broad, linear, usually complicate, very shortly mucronate. mucro recurved, glabrous or very thinly pubescent above, more densely pubescent below. Stipules linear-setaceous, longer than the petiole, pubescent, 0.5-1.3 cm long. Peduncles terminal and in axils of upper leaves, simple or branching, laxly racemose, 5-14 cm long. Flowers 0.7-1 cm long. 2-3 together in axils of setaceous bracts, pedicellate. Calyx-tube 6-7 mm in diam., 2-3 mm long, lobes lanceolate, acuminate, unequal, 1-4 mm long, whole calyx pubescent. Vexillum pubescent without, 0.75-1 cm long, 6-8.5 mm broad. Ovary 4.5-6 mm long, densely silky. Style glabrous. Legumes narrow, linear, thinly canescent, 3-3.5 cm long, 4 mm broad.
Suffrutex. Branches straight, erect, sulcate or angular, densely leafy. Leaves 6-12-jugate, shortly petiolate. Leaflets 8-36 x 2-6 mm, linear, usually complicate, very shortly mucronate, mucro-recurved; upper surface glabrous or very thinly pubescent; lower surface more densely pubescent. Stipules linear-setaceous, longer than petioles, pubescent. Inflorescences terminal and in axils of upper leaves, simple or branching, laxly racemose; flowers 2 or 3 together in axils of setaceous bracts. Flowers pedicellate, pinkish brown. Calyx: lobes lanceolate, acuminate, unequal. Petals: standard pubescent on outside. Style glabrous. Flowering time Jan.-Mar. Pod 30-35 x 4 mm, narrow, linear, thinly canescent.