Calyx 3–5.5 mm long, fairly densely shortly appressed-pubescent; upper teeth connate for ½–5/6 their length to form a rather broad triangle, the upper and lateral teeth usually slightly shorter than the tube, the lower tooth about equalling it.
Perennial suffrutex with a woody underground stock and herbaceous, erect, simple or 1(2)-branched stems up to 45(75) cm high with 2–5 leaves per stem.
Petals pale purplish or pink, or yellow with pink markings; standard (10)12–18 mm long, cuneate to subcordate at the base.
Flowers in ±lax terminal racemes mostly 10–27 cm long; bracts 6–7 × 1 mm, quickly falling; pedicels 3–7(11) mm long.
Pods 35–60 × 3.5–4(5) mm, shortly pubescent with appressed or irregular hairs.
Stems glabrous to sparsely and very shortly appressed-pubescent.
Ovary pubescent; style pubescent.
Staminal tube joined above.
Seeds 8–12.