Leaves with 1 or 2 pairs of lateral leaflets; petiole up to 1 cm long, petiole and rachis together up to 2 cm long; leaflets up to 2.6 × 0.6 cm, oblanceolate, rounded and ± recurved beneath at the apex; upper surface glabrous, lower surface sparsely appressed-pubescent; stipules 4–5 × c.0.5 mm, linear.
Calyx c.5 mm long, grey-pubescent; lateral teeth about equalling the tube, the two upper teeth joined for ± half their length.
Flowers in short few-flowered terminal racemes and in the axils of upper leaves; bracts c.2 mm long; pedicels 2–3 mm long.
Young stems densely appressed-pubescent with grey hairs, older stems with rugose bark.
Perennial low shrub up to 1 m high, the older parts woody and defoliate.
Pods c.33 cm long, rather sparsely appressed-pubescent.
Ovary pubescent; style glabrous.
Upper stamen almost free.
Petals 7–10 mm long.
Seeds 7–8.