Procumbent, ± robust, perennial herb, 0.06-2.00 m long; rootstock tuberous. Leaves 1-3-jugate, long-petioled. Leaflets narrowly to widely elliptic, up to 65 mm long, pinnately parallel-veined, vein ends looping at margin; upper surface glabrous; lower surface pubescent. Stipules widely cordate-ovate. Inflorescences: peduncles terminal or leaf-opposed, up to 480 mm long, few-flowered at apex; bracts bilobed, widely ovate. Flowers white with purple insect traces or pink to purple. Calyx: lobes triangular, apex acute, unequal. Style pubescent. Flowering time Sept.-Apr. Pod up to 60 x 8 mm, linear, flattened, glabrous, hirsute along sutures.