Perennial with a woody rootstock and prostrate or ascending slender branches.. Closely resembles T. purpurea subsp. leptostachya but the petiole is nearly always longer than the basal leaflets, the indumentum, which is either appressed or, more often, spreading, is fulvous, the leaflets rather thick and stiff, the rhachis of the inflorescence somewhat flattened and winged and the pods 4–6-seeded.
Flowers in terminal and leaf-opposed racemes (5)7–20 cm long, the axis stout and conspicuously ridged or narrowly winged; bracts 3–7 × 0.5–0.8 mm, linear-triangular, usually rather conspicuous; pedicels 3–6 mm long.
Calyx (2.5)3–5 mm long, appressed or sometimes spreading-pubescent; lateral teeth slightly shorter than to 1½ times as long as the tube; upper teeth joined for up to half their length.
Perennial with a vertical rootstock and several slender, herbaceous, prostrate or ascending stems.
Pods 33–47 × 4.5–5.5 mm, usually straw-coloured, shortly pubescent.
Stems with short appressed to spreading hairs.
Petals (6)7–10 mm long, mauve to pink.
Ovary pubescent; style glabrous.
Staminal tube joined above.
Seeds 6(7).