Annual or short-lived perennial with a well-developed taproot.. Branches more or less prostrate and silvery.. Stipules, at any rate those near the base of the plant, very slender, subulate, slightly curved, up to 7 or 8 mm. long; leaflets 4–6(rarely –9)-jugate, at least 4 times as long as wide, silvery beneath.. Pedicels ± 3 mm. long, not longer than the longest of the bracts.. Standard white pubescent outside, broadly ovate, ± 5 mm. long, including the claw.. Filament-sheath 3–4 mm. long.. Pod rarely over 3 cm. long, with short stiff usually spreading hairs, 4–7-seeded.. Seeds longitudinal, mottled, with a minute aril.
Annual to biennial with a fairly stout taproot and usually tufted habit with several ascending, much branched stems arising from the base and 10–25 cm high, or sometimes mat-forming with more elongate ± procumbent branches up to 30 cm long.
Calyx (1.5)2–3 mm long, shortly appressed-pubescent; teeth about equalling the tube, the two upper ones joined for up to half their length.
Flowers in terminal and leaf-opposed or axillary racemes 1–6(11) cm long; bracts 2–5 × 0.2–0.5 mm, ± subulate; pedicels 2–3(4) mm long.
Pods 20–37 × 3.5–4.5 mm, brown to straw-coloured, very shortly pubescent with often geniculate hairs.
Stems pubescent with appressed to ascending or occasionally spreading hairs.
Seeds (4)5–6(7), c.3 × 2 × 1.5 mm, subreniform-oblong.
Petals 4–5(6) mm long, pink to purplish.
Ovary pubescent; style glabrous.
Staminal tube connate above.