Leaves pinnate with 4–9 pairs of leaflets; petiole 0.5–2.5(3) cm long, petiole and rachis together 4–14(18) cm long, pubescent like the stem; leaflets 2.5–5.5(6.5) × (0.5)0.7–1.8(2) cm, elliptic or obovate to oblanceolate (in other areas often oblanceolate to linear-oblong), cuneate to rounded at the base, rounded to emarginate at the apex; upper surface glabrous or appressed-pubescent (see note below), lower surface appressed-pubescent; stipules 6–12(17) × (0.4)1–3 mm, linear-triangular.
Calyx (2.5)3–5 mm long, appressed-pubescent to conspicuously villous with strongly deflexed hairs especially on the lower side, the teeth with much shorter and darker hairs towards their margins and so apparently with a dark outline; upper teeth connate for about half their length, lateral teeth short (c.1 mm) and acute to subobtuse.
Flowers in mostly terminal, sometimes also axillary, usually rather short and compact racemes, mostly 3–15 cm long, or often with the lowermost flowers in the axils of the upper leaves; bracts 4–9(12) × (0.2)0.4–1(2) mm, pubescent, soon falling; pedicels 3–7 mm long.
Annual with a short taproot and decumbent-ascending to erect branched stems 60–120(150) cm high (or much shorter outside the Flora area, see note below).
Pods (40)50–70 × 5–6 mm (or shorter and narrower in W Africa), brown, shortly pubescent with ± irregular hairs.
Stems fairly densely covered with soft, brown, ascending or spreading hairs.
Petals (10)13–19 mm long, purple to brownish or pink.
Seeds (13)15–18(21), obliquely transverse.
Ovary pubescent; style pubescent.
Stamen tube joined above.