A usually short-lived perennial, or possibly sometimes annual, 60-160(200) cm high, rather bushy, often woody in the lower parts. Young stems ± tomentose with usually rusty-brown, occasionally greyish, spreading or ascending or deflexed hairs. Leaves pinnate with (4)6-11(14) pairs of leaflets; petiole 0.1-1.2(1.5) mm long, petiole and rachis together (2)4-12(16) cm long; leaflets (0.7)1.2-3.2(4.2) x (0.3)0.5-1.2(1.4) cm, oblanceolate or sometimes ± obovate or elliptic, cuneate at the base, rounded or sometimes emarginate at the apex; upper surface rather thinly pubescent or very rarely ± glabrous, lower surface appressed-pubescent; stipules (3)5-9(12) x 0.5-1.5 mm, linear-triangular. Flowers in fairly lax, terminal (?very rarely axillary) racemes up to 30 cm long; bracts 4-9 x 0.5-1 mm, linear-triangular; pedicels 2-5 mm long. Calyx 5-9(11) mm long, with spreading greyish hairs; lateral teeth linear-triangular, equalling or up to 3 times as long as the tube; upper teeth connate for ¼-1/2(?) their length. Petals 8-12(14) mm long, pink or crimson to purple. Staminal tube joined above. Ovary pubescent; style glabrous, not twisted, with pencillate tip. Pods 28-46(55) x 3.5-5.5(6), markedly curved upwards in the distal part, densely pubescent to conspicuously villous (see varieties) with pale or rusty-brown or rarely greyish hairs. Seeds (4)5-7, 4-4.5 x 3-3.5 x 1.5-2, oblongoid, brown to blackish, with a small aril in the middle of one of the longer sides.
Leaves pinnate with (4)6–11(14) pairs of leaflets; petiole 0.1–1.2(1.5) mm long, petiole and rachis together (2)4–12(16) cm long; leaflets (0.7)1.2–3.2(4.2) × (0.3)0.5–1.2(1.4) cm, oblanceolate or sometimes ± obovate or elliptic, cuneate at the base, rounded or sometimes emarginate at the apex; upper surface rather thinly pubescent or very rarely ± glabrous, lower surface appressed-pubescent; stipules (3)5–9(12) × 0.5–1.5 mm, linear-triangular.
Pods 28–46(55) × 3.5–5.5(6), markedly curved upwards in the distal part, densely pubescent to conspicuously villous (see varieties) with pale or rusty-brown or rarely greyish hairs.
Calyx 5–9(11) mm long, with spreading greyish hairs; lateral teeth linear-triangular, equalling or up to 3 times as long as the tube; upper teeth connate for ¼–½(?) their length.
Flowers in fairly lax, terminal (?very rarely axillary) racemes up to 30 cm long; bracts 4–9 × 0.5–1 mm, linear-triangular; pedicels 2–5 mm long.
A usually short-lived perennial, or possibly sometimes annual, 60–160(200) cm high, rather bushy, often woody in the lower parts.
Seeds (4)5–7, 4–4.5 × 3–3.5 × 1.5–2, oblongoid, brown to blackish, with a small aril in the middle of one of the longer sides.
Young stems ± tomentose with usually rusty-brown, occasionally greyish, spreading or ascending or deflexed hairs.
Ovary pubescent; style glabrous, not twisted, with pencillate tip.
Petals 8–12(14) mm long, pink or crimson to purple.
Staminal tube joined above.