Inflorescence rather lax, up to 15(20) cm long, sometimes the lower flowers subtended by foliage leaves; bracts up to 11 × 4 mm, narrowly triangular to ovate-acuminate; pedicels 4–7(10 in fruit) mm long, brown or grey, pubescent or villous.
Seeds 7–9, transversely elongate, nearly oblong in outline, rounded at the ends, slightly broader at the lower end, with a small hilum near the upper narrower end with a small white rim aril.
Calyx 7–11 mm long, of which the campanulate part is only 2–3 mm long, the two upper teeth joined in the lower ?, the whole grey or brown villous.
Young stem densely pubescent to villous with grey or brown, spreading or deflexed hairs.
Ovary densely villous along the sutures but the sides glabrous; style pubescent.
Pod 27–35 × 8–9 mm, the margins pubescent but the sides glabrous.
Petals 12–22 mm long, purple; standard suborbicular-cuneate.
Shrub up to 1 m high.