Flowers in terminal racemes with at least 5–8 distinct nodes, clearly exceeding the uppermost leaves, or sometimes with the lowermost flowers in the axil of the one or two uppermost leaves; bracts resembling the stipules; pedicels 3–7 mm long, tomentose.
Calyx 9–11 mm long, whitish appressed-tomentose, the teeth 5–7 mm long, subequal, 1.5–2 times as long as the tube, the two upper ones joined for about ? of their length, the lower one ± channelled and somewhat upwardly curved at its tip.
Petals 18–20 mm long, probably purplish or the keel whitish; standard suborbicular, broadly cuneate towards the claw.
Suffrutex with herbaceous unbranched stems up to 35 cm high.
Staminal tube not fused above, the upper filament free.
Stems densely whitish appressed-pubescent.
Ovary ± tomentose; style pubescent.
Pods not seen.