Simple fronds on very young plants to 3 by 1.5 cm, base on lower side broadly cordate and overlapping rhizome, on upper side cuneate, edges sinuate, apex broadly rounded. Smallest normal bathyphylls narrowly deltoid, 4.5 by 2 cm, with 3 or 4 pairs of jointed pinnae below deeply lobed triangular apex, pinnae elliptic, entire, apex rounded, base unequally cuneate; largest fronds to 9 by 4 cm with 9 pairs of free pinnae 2.2 by 1 cm somewhat narrowed to rounded apex. Transition bathyphylls of various types, all with entire pinnae shaped nearly as acrophylls; pinnae in some cases all on one side of rachis, usually on both sides, largest fronds to 18 cm long with 10 pairs of pinnae on stalks to 3 mm long, lowest pinna always deflexed, overlapping rhizome. Rhizome of adult plant 5 mm ø with short spines. Sterile acrophylls 40-70 cm long including stipe 5-15 cm; pinnae c. 10 pairs, stalks 5-10 mm long, blade 8-15 cm by 1.5-2.5 cm, broadest near unequally cuneate base, tapering gradually to acuminate apex, texture thin but firm, drying rather light green, veins c. 2 mm apart near midrib, margin narrowly cartilaginous and regular sinuous (prominences at vein-ends). Fertile fronds with 10-12 pairs of pinnae on stalks 10-15 mm long; each pinna 5-7 cm long, 5 mm wide, veins uniting in a submarginal vein.