Normal bathyphylls to c. 12 by 4 cm; pinnae to 12 pairs, to 2.5 by 1 cm, pinnate, tapering to apex; largest pinnules 5 mm long, consisting of 2-3 pairs of very narrow lobes (sometimes forked) joined by a very narrow wing. Transition bathyphylls to 18 cm long; pinnae 12-15 pairs, to 4 by 1.5 cm, with 12 pairs of pinnules; pinnules pinnatisect, largest with 4 pairs of linear lateral lobes 2 mm long, some forked, ultimate divisions 0.3 mm wide. Sterile acrophylls as T. aculeatum but pinnae 1-1.5 cm wide, dark red when dry. Fertile pinnae to 10 cm long, 1-2 mm wide.