Earliest fronds almost as T. aculeatum, with triangular lamina, deeply lobed or with free pinnae at base, on one side of midrib only. Transition bathyphylls on climbing stems 2½-7½ cm long; pinnae 5-9, apical one largest, all on side of rachis towards ground and standing away from support-ing tree to which rachis is closely appressed; pinnae 5-30 mm long, broadly elliptic or ovate, apices rounded, edges crenulate distally; later fronds of this type may have 1-2 pinnae on upper side, towards apex; fronds on stems which creep on the ground very variable, bearing (on both sides of rachis) few subequal larger pinnae which are in some cases widest near base, tapering gradually, no basal pinnae overlapping rhizome. Rhizome of adult plant c. 3 mm ø, not aculeate. Sterile acrophylls to 50 cm long including stipe; pinnae to 10 pairs, lower ones with stalks to 5 mm long, upper sessile, 7-12 cm long, 2-4½ cm wide, firm, drying light olive green, almost elliptic or with edges parallel in middle part, narrowed about equally to broadly cuneate base and abruptly short-acuminate apex; veins near midrib 1-1.5 mm apart; edges slightly sinuate, narrowly cartilaginous. Fertile fronds as long as sterile; pinnae to 20 cm long, 3 mm wide, on stalks to 5 mm long.