Large tree, up to 40-50 m, buttressed to 2 m. Bark pale brown, wood pale yellow. Young branchlets fulvous-sericeous, later glabrescent. Leaves subcoriaceous, spirally arranged along the branchlets, minutely appressed-pubescent, later glabrescent, broadly to narrowly elliptic, 3-9 by 1-4 cm, slightly acuminate or blunt at the apex, cuneate at the base; nerves 5-8 pairs with glabrous domatia in their axils; petiole at first appressed-pubescent eventually glabrescent, 5-12 mm. Flowers (only immature ones seen) sessile, ellpsoid in bud, in axillary spikes c. 5 cm long; rhachis fulvous-sericeous. Bracts hairy, filiform, 2½ mm, soon caducous. Lower receptacle (ovary) 1½ mm long, fulvous-sericeous, upper receptacle fulvo-sericeous, cupuliform, 1 by 1½ mm. Calyx-lobes triangular, c. 1 mm long. Fruit very sclerenchymatous, with a few scattered air-spaces, sericeous when young, glabrescent, flattened-ellpsoid, 3½ by 1½-2 cm, narrowly circumalate, wing c. 1 mm broad, sometimes with 2 additional ridges near the apex.