Tree to 15 m high, deciduous. Branchlets pubescent. Leaves: lamina rectangular or obovate, 4–8.5 cm long, (1.5–) 2–5 cm wide, cuneate at base, obtuse or occasionally retuse at apex, discolorous, pubescent, upper surface glabrescent; domatia absent; petiole 8–18 mm long, rarely to 25 mm. Spike open or dense, longer than leaves. Flowers 3–8 mm long, c. 5 mm diam. Calyx pubescent outside; lobes triangular, 2 mm long, 1.5 mm wide. Staminal filaments 2–4 mm long. Disc villous. Style villous. Fruit a 2-winged nut, pubescent particularly on body; body 1.5–3 cm long; wings 4–12 cm wide, with striate venation.