A large tree up to 45 m, with tall spreading branches. Young branchlets at first rufous-appressed-pubescent soon becoming glabrous. Leaves spirally arranged and somewhat crowded towards the ends of the twigs, coriaceous or sub-coriaceous, glossy green above, glaucous underneath, glabrous, oblanceolate or subspathulate, 4-14 by 7½-5 cm, rounded and shortly acuminate, acute or obtuse at the apex, narrowly cuneate at the base; nerves 8-10 pairs, reticulation rather prominent; petiole glabrous 2-3½ (-5) cm, glands absent or inconspicuous. Flowers greenish or yellow, buds globular, sessile, in axillary spikes 6-20 cm long, rhachis densely rufous-appressed-pubescent. Bracts absent or very early caducous. Lower receptacle (ovary) 2 mm long, rufo-seri-ceous; upper receptacle shallow-cupuliform, sericeous, 1 by 2 mm. Calyx-lobes deltoid 0.8 mm long, densely appressed-pubescent. Filaments glabrous, 2½ mm; anthers 0.4 mm long. Disk barbate. Style 3 mm, pilosulose. Fruit broadly 2-winged, light yellow, pubescent when very young but soon becoming glabrous, overall dimensions 2-3.3 by 3½-5½ cm, wings usually confluent at apex and base so that the fruit is circumalate.