Shrubs, erect, 40-100 cm tall. Branchlets terete, with longitudinal ridges, glabrous. Leaves 3-foliolate, rarely simple at base; petiole 5-8 cm; central petiolule 1-2 × as long as lateral petiolules, glabrous; leaflets glabrous, lateral veins 6-8 pairs, base of central leaflet cuneate, that of lateral leaflets oblique, subrounded, margin with 6-9 sparse teeth on each side, apex cuspidate. Inflorescence umbelliform, leaf-opposed or pseudoterminal, 8-15 cm; peduncle 2.5-3 cm. Pedicel 2-10 mm. Buds elliptic or oval, 1.5-2.5 mm, apex rounded. Calyx cupular, margin undulate. Petals elliptic, 1.3-2.3 mm, apex corniculate or galeate, subglabrate. Filaments filiform; anthers yellow, oval. Disk well developed, 4-lobed. Pistil abortive in male flowers. Fl. Apr-May.