Lianas, woody. Stem flat, often tuberculate. Branchlets terete, with longitudinal ridges, sparsely tuberculate, glabrous; tendrils unbranched. Leaves pedately 5-foliolate or 3-foliolate; petiole 4.5-9.5 cm; petiolules 1.5-4 cm, glabrous; leaflets obovate or obovate-elliptic, sometimes lateral leaflets elliptic or ovate-elliptic, 4-10 × 2-4 cm, lateral veins 5 or 6 pairs, veinlets slightly raised abaxially, inconspicuous adaxially, base cuneate or broadly so, base of lateral leaflets asymmetric, margin sparsely 4-or 5-toothed on each side, glabrous, apex cuspidate. Compound dichasium axillary, 9.5-10 cm, with nodes and bracts; peduncle 1-1.5 cm, densely pubescent. Pedicel 2-3 mm, pubescent, more elongated and tuberculate at fruiting stage. Buds elliptic, ca. 2 mm, apex rounded. Calyx saucer-shaped, papillose, teeth inconspicuous. Petals ovate-elliptic, ca. 1.8 mm, apex slightly and obtusely corniculate, papillose. Disk inconspicuous in female flowers. Ovary narrowly coniform; style inconspicuous; stigma 4-lobed. Berry globose, 1-1.8 cm in diam., 1-or 2-seeded. Seeds elliptic, base with a sharp, short rostrum, apex retuse, ventral holes furrowed upward from middle to apex. Fl. Apr-Jul, fr. May-Oct.