Roots dark brown to ± black (when dry), fibrous. Stems mostly erect, sometimes reclining, (20-)30-60(-150) cm, glabrous, from rhizomes or branched caudices. Leaves mainly cauline, mostly short-petiolate. Leaf blade green, (2-)3-4×-ternately compound, membranous; leaflets obliquely orbiculate or nearly cordate, apically 3-lobed, (5-)10-20 × (6-)8-12(-18) mm wide, lobe margins crenate, surfaces abaxially often glandular. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, panicles, open and leafy, many flowered. Flowers: sepals whitish or greenish, in staminate flowers ovate to elliptic, 3-5 mm; in pistillate flowers ovate to rhombic or broadly lanceolate, 1.5-2 mm; filaments deep yellow or purplish, 4-7.5 mm; anthers 2.2-3.4 mm, apiculate with tip to 0.8 mm; stigma purplish. Achenes 7-11(-14), not reflexed, sessile to short-stipitate; stipe 0-2 mm; body oblanceolate to obliquely obovate-elliptic, strongly laterally compressed, (5-)9(-11) mm, glandular or glabrous, 3-4(-5)-veined on each side, veins ± parallel, converging toward ends (rarely branched or sinuous), not anastomosing-reticulate; beak 1.5-4 mm.