Rhizome erect, short or forming a caudex up to 6 dm. or more long, invested with rootlets and bases of stipites, up to 10 cm. diam. Stipe up to 5 dm. × 1 cm., subsucculent, deeply grooved, dark brown to almost black, bearing ovate-lanceolate brown paleae near base. Lamina up to 15 dm. long; rhachis with ∞ subopp, membr. to subcoriac., dark to light green pinnae; rhachis somewhat pubescent near groove when young, with or without a few paleae. Pinnae rather distant; lowest pair reduced to c. 2 cm. long, often irregularly lobulate; mid-pinnae up to 20 × 3 cm., oblong, acute to acuminate, deeply pinnatifid; segs (lowest of larger pinnae sometimes up to 5 cm. long, lobed) oblong, subfalcate, obtuse, up to 2 cm. × 6 mm.; margins subcrenate to nearly entire, slightly waved. Lateral veinlets of segs simple or forked towards tips; lowest uniting at or below the narrow sinus. Sori us. very cop., not coalescing, one per lateral vein of seg., in a row on each side of and near the mid-veinlet, c. 1 mm. diam., in up to 10 pairs.