Hemiparasitic, nearly leafless shrublet, up to 0.5 m high; branches slender, virgate, semi-erect. Leaves linear-lanceolate, 3-28 mm long, terete, appressed to stem or ascending. Inflorescences capitate, 5-16 mm long. Bracts broadly lanceolate, margins membranous, entire, fimbriate-ciliate or serrulate. Flowers whitish. Perianth becoming urceolate, ± 4 mm long; lobes linear, up to 2.5 mm long, often abaxially warty. Flowering time Aug.-Jan. Fruit ellipsoid, ± 6 mm long, including persistent perianth; prominently 10-ribbed, delicately reticulate between ribs.
Nearly leafless, hemiparasitic shrublet, up to 500 mm tall. Leaves minute, terete, ascending. Flowers arranged in oblong heads, whitish, with margins of bracts toothed; perianth with a ring of short, down-turned hairs in tube.
Hemiparasitic, nearly leafless shrublet to 50 cm. Leaves minute, terete, ascending. Flowers in oblong heads, whitish, with toothed, bract margins.