Suffrutex, caules numerosi, erecti, superne ramosi, 12-30 cm alti, rami elongati, foliosi, angulati et sulcati. Folia linearia vel lineari-lanceolata, acuta, 1-1.4 cm longa, apice colore destituta. Inflorescentia sympodiali-cymosa, axillaris, ramosa, compacta; bracteae ellipticae, vel lanceolato-subulatae, acutae, carinatae, plus minusve pedunculis adnatae; bracteolae 2, floribus breviores. Perianthium albidum vel pallide luteum, circiter 1.75 mm longum, segmentis 1 mm longis ovato-deltoideis cucullatis marginibus inflexis apice barbatis. Antherae filamentis aequilongae, vix 0.25 mm longae. Stylus 0.25 mm longus; stigmate dilatato. Fructus globoso-ovoideus, circiter 2 mm diametro, costis conspicuis.
Leaves ascending, 10–35 × 0.5–1.5(1.8) mm midway on stem, smaller upwards and passing into bracts, often shorter and slightly broader at base, linear, apex apiculate, base broad, thick-textured, margins pale, cartilaginous, very minutely scabridulous or smooth, midrib raised on both surfaces.
Perennial herb with thick woody caudex up to 50 mm in diameter and woody stolons up to 10 mm diameter; stems many, tufted from crown, c. 150–400 mm long, paniculately branched above, strongly ribbed by raised vascular strands terminating in midrib of leaves and bracts, leafy.
Perianth yellowish; tube 0.5–1 mm long, external glands conspicuous, elliptic, equalling tube; lobes 1–1.7 × 0.6–1 mm, triangular, acute, white-bearded from apex.
Herb, up to 250 mm tall. Racemes short. Flowers usually in 3-flowered pedunculate cymules. Style scarcely reaching to base of anthers. Flowers white.
Bracts 6–18 × 0.8–1.5 mm, linear, leaf-like, adnate to base of peduncle (usually ¼ total length or less, rarely ?); bracteoles 2, 2.5–11 × 0.4–1 mm.
Flowers in 3-or occasionally 7-flowered cymules racemosely arranged at tips of branchlets, 5–8(10) cymules in each inflorescence.
Stamens inserted at base of perianth lobes; filaments 0.1–0.5 mm long, almost hidden by anthers; anthers 0.3–0.5 mm long.
Fruit 2.3–2.5 × 2.3–2.5 mm, light red-brown, ribs and reticulations equally prominent but not very strongly raised.
Style 0.2–0.7 mm long; stigma reaching almost halfway up anthers.
Peduncles (lowermost) 3–10 mm long.