Broom-like, hemiparasitic shrub, 0.4-1.0 m high. Leaves dense or sparse, scale-like or acicular, up to 55 mm long. Inflorescences of dense, terminal, cylindrical spikes, elongating with age. Bracts broadly lanceolate, keeled below, margins entire or minutely serrulate, shorter than flowers. Flowers whitish. Perianth becoming urceolate; segments linear, reddish brown, up to 2.8 mm long, glands not prominent. Flowering time July-Mar. Fruit ovoid-globose, ± 4 mm long; subconspicuously 10-ribbed and reticulate between ribs.
Broom-like, hemiparasitic shrub to 60 cm, only leafy below. Leaves sparse, needle-like. Flowers in slender, terminal spikes, whitish.