Polygamous lianas bearing tendrils, these representing sterile peduncles, the branches watchspring-like. Leaves petiolate, 3-foliolate; leaflets pinnately veined, usually toothed. Inflorescences of thyrses borne on long peduncles, terminal or in the upper leaf axils, usually associated with tendrils. Flowers small, yellowish or white, regular or nearly so; calyx short, cupular, 5-parted, the lobes subimbricate; petals 5, spatulate to obovate, bearing scales within at the base; disc small, sub-cupular, 5-lobed; stamens 8, long-exserted, the filaments villous, the anthers short-ellipsoid; ovary 3-sided, 3-celled. Fruits obcordate or cuneate, stipitate, 3-coccus, broadly 3-winged above the seeds, the cocci samaralike, the seed-bearing part basal, the wing large and thin, venose.