Torilis arvensis (Huds.) Link

Spreading hedgeparsley (en), Torilis des moissons (fr), Torilis des champs (fr), Torilide des champs (fr)


Angiosperms > Apiales > Apiaceae > Torilis


Annual herb with a slender taproot, 0.1–1.25 m. tall, branched from the base and densely bushy with many short, branched stems to tall and simple or with rather few long, ascending branches.. Stems slender, wiry, terete, finely striate, glabrous or with downwardly-appressed strigulose hairs.. Basal leaves generally withered by the time of fruiting, bi-to subtripinnate with pinnatifid segments, deltoid and ± 3–15 × 2–12 cm. in outline, ultimate divisions ± 2–8 × 1–3 mm., ± furnished with upwardly directed, whitish strigulose hairs especially on the lower surface; sheaths ± 2–5 mm., pale-margined, indistinctly demarcated from the channelled ventral surface of the petiole; petiole ± 1.5–4.5 cm.; median leaves similar or the segments becoming narrower and more elongate, more shortly petiolate, sheaths long and narrow with involute margins; upper leaves similar but reduced, to trisect with elongate segments (the upper especially long and up to ± 50 × 5 mm., subentire to regularly acutely serrate), sessile on the narrow sheaths.. Umbels very numerous to rather few, on slender, ± 1.5–13 cm. peduncles; rays 2–12, terete, appressed-strigulose, ± 7–30 mm.; involucre usually absent, rarely one narrowly linear bract present; partial umbels ± 2–18-flowered; pedicels very unequal, 0–4 mm., indumentum similar to that of the rays; involucel of ± 4–8 bracteoles 1.5–5 mm. long.. Calyx-teeth very small to obsolete.. Flowers white to pink or purple, the outermost petals of outer partial umbels not to decidedly radiant (to ± 2 mm.), the inner or all petals ± 0.75–1 mm., ± strigose-hairy dorsally.. Fruit ellipsoid, ± 3–5 × 2–3 mm., both mericarps densely covered with long, tuberculate, glochidiate-tipped, white to purple spines along the obscure secondary ribs, or one with shorter spines or verrucae; stylopodia conical, short; styles short to slender, ± 0.25–1.25 mm., subequalling or much longer than the stylopodia.
Erect annual. Stems densely hairy above but glabrous or sparsely hairy near base, solid, striate, 20-60-(100) cm high, sometimes purple tinged; hairs deflexed. Basal lvs densely hairy above and below, 2-pinnate, petiolate; ultimate segments ovate to lanceolate, pinnatifid and serrate, 15-45 mm long, sessile or shortly petiolulate; stem lvs similar to basal, but 1-pinnate or pinnately 3-foliolate toward apex with less divided segments. Umbels 1-4-(5) cm diam., long-pedunculate, usually terminal; rays (2)-3-9, 5-20-(30) mm long; bracts 0-1, linear; bracteoles 5-6, linear. Fls few to numerous, white or tinged pink, c. 2 mm diam., irregular. Fr. ovoid, 3.5-4.5 mm long; all mericarps spinous; spines curved upward, thickened at tip.
Freely branched, taprooted annual to 1 m, the stem retrorsely, the lvs antrorsely rough-strigose or partly glabrous; lvs ovate or lance-ovate in outline, 2–3 times pinnate, or the upper only once pinnate, at least the lower pinnae generally evidently petiolulate, the ultimate segments rather small; peduncles terminal and lf-opposed, 3–16 cm, invol wanting, or of a single slender bract; rays 2–10, 0.5–2.5 cm; pedicels 1–4 mm; fr ovoid-oblong, 3–5 mm, covered with widely spreading, nearly straight, cylindric-subconic, slightly upcurved prickles approaching 1 mm; 2n=12. Native of Europe, now well established as a weed in s. U.S., n. to D.C., O., Ill., and Kans. June, July.
Sprawling, soft, annual herb, 0.03-0.50(-1.00) m high. Leaves finely divided, hairy, often tinged purple, leaflets toothed. Flowers few, in leaf-opposed umbels; peduncles ± as long as, or longer than leaves; involucre absent. Rays 2-4. Umbellules 3-6-flowered. Involucel of 4-6 bracteoles. Petals white, setose-hairy. Flowering time Aug.-Nov. Fruit burr-like with barbed prickles; both secondary and primary dorsal ribs of fruit pilose.
Sprawling, softly hairy annual, up to 0.4 m tall. Leaves finely divided, leaflets softly hairy, toothed. Umbels leaf-opposed. Flowers white to pinkish, outer petals larger. Fruit burr-like, with barbed prickles, mericarps isodiametric, homomorphic, vittae absent, rib oil ducts prominent.
Sprawling, soft annual to 40 cm. Leaves finely divided, leaflets pilose, toothed. Flowers few in simple, leaf-opposed umbels, white to pinkish, petals unequal. Fruit burr-like with barbed prickles, mericarps isodiametric, homomorphic, vittae absent, rib oil ducts prominent.
Fruit 3–5 mm. long, ovoid, densely covered with spreading, spiny glochidiate hairs, usually blackish-green when mature; sometimes 1, or rarely both, mericarps lacking spines and then covered with warty tubercles.
Inflorescence of terminal and lateral compound umbels; bracts 0 (1), rays 2–5 (-10), with appressed white bristles; bracteoles linear, acute, almost equalling the pedicels of the few-flowered partial umbels.
Leaves very variable, from 2-pinnate to 3-foliate; margins coarsely serrate to subentire, with numerous appressed white bristly hairs on the lamina, rhachis and petiole.
Calyx teeth minute; stylopodium depressed; styles very variable in length, in African material usually c. twice as long as the stylopodium.
Stem terete, glabrous, with fine grooves, sometimes purplish-tinged especially towards the base, little branched in African specimens.
Seed curved in section, with the ends facing towards the commissure, but not recurved.
Root system a well-developed primary taproot, with limited secondary branches.
Petals white, the outer ones sometimes slightly radiate.
An erect annual herb up to 1 m., usually much smaller.
Vittae 5, large and well developed.
A wiry herb
A herb.
Life form annual
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination entomogamy
Spread epizoochory
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.2 - 0.5
Root system tap-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway c3


It is a temperate plant.
In montane vegetation.
Light 4-9
Soil humidity -
Soil texture 2-8
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 5-10


Uses medicinal
Edible leaves
Therapeutic use Anti-bacterial agents (unspecified)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Torilis arvensis habit picture by Florent Beck (cc-by-sa)
Torilis arvensis habit picture by Jean Gauberti (cc-by-sa)
Torilis arvensis habit picture by Nathan Torres (cc-by-sa)


Torilis arvensis leaf picture by Florent Beck (cc-by-sa)
Torilis arvensis leaf picture by Isabel Lasse (cc-by-sa)
Torilis arvensis leaf picture by micka wagner (cc-by-sa)


Torilis arvensis flower picture by Florent Beck (cc-by-sa)
Torilis arvensis flower picture by anne denier (cc-by-sa)
Torilis arvensis flower picture by Tim Ward (cc-by-sa)


Torilis arvensis fruit picture by Florent Beck (cc-by-sa)
Torilis arvensis fruit picture by micka wagner (cc-by-sa)
Torilis arvensis fruit picture by Olivier Vincent (cc-by-sa)


Torilis arvensis world distribution map, present in Brazil, France, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Lebanon, New Zealand, Pakistan, Syrian Arab Republic, United States of America, and South Africa


WFO ID wfo-0000409709
BDTFX ID 68554
INPN ID 126846
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Lappularia neglecta Ozotrix helvetica Torilis friedrichsthalii Torilis syriaca Lappularia infesta Torilis divaricata Torilis arvensis Torilis aglochis Caucalis infesta Scandix infesta Torilis chlorocarpa Torilis leucorhaphis Torilis infesta Anthriscus arvensis Caucalis aglochis Caucalis angustifolia Caucalis arvensis Caucalis aspersa Caucalis divaricata Caucalis fallax Caucalis helvetica Caucalis segetalis Caucalis segetum Daucus infestus Tordylium segetum Torilis chrysocarpa Torilis helvetica Torilis arvensis var. elatior Caucalis infesta var. elatior Caucalis chrysocarpa

Lower taxons

Torilis arvensis subsp. heterophylla Torilis arvensis subsp. neglecta Torilis arvensis subsp. elongata Torilis arvensis subsp. turcomanica Torilis arvensis subsp. recta