Climbing shrubs with an indumentum of simple hairs. Flowers hermaphrodite, axillary, solitary or in 2–3-flowered cymes borne on the leafy shoots; buds ovate-oblong; bracts and bracteoles round to elliptic, persistent. Sepals 3, valvate, thick, free, entirely covering the petals in the bud, the margins of the sepals sometimes distinctly raised so that the buds are 3-ribbed. Petals 6–10, either in 2 definite whorls or 2–3 irregular whorls, imbricate, free, subequal. Stamens very numerous, arranged horizontally on a remarkably developed cylindrical androgynophore, linear or cuneiform; connectives thick, expanded or distinctly capitate above the anther-cells. Carpels numerous, situated at the apex of the androgynophore, ovoid-oblong, with 6–20 biseriate or uniseriate ovules; style linear-oblong or obsolete, the stigma simple or with 2–several lobes. Monocarps ellipsoid to cylindric, several-seeded, longitudinally ribbed; seeds ellipsoid, arranged biseriately.