Plants up to 50 cm high. Roots 1-7, bulbous, separate or fused above, becoming hard with age, often covered with many, thin, hard skins. Rhizome small, woody. Squamae large, membranous, surrounding shoot, leaf-and scape-base. Leaves ca. 12 per shoot, filiform or linear, flat, up to 15 cm long, 2 mm broad, wavy when young, later erect, straight, with lax, long, patent silky hairs, dull blue-green. Inflorescence a divaricate panicle with many short, accessory branches in the axils of the main branches, many flowered; scape terete, firm, straight, laxly silky haired below, glabrous with age; bracts short, auriculate, apiculate, membranous; pedicels short, 5 mm in fruit, erect; if flower is not fertilized the short pedicel recurves; buds sessile. Flowers with recurved, maculate perianth, segments 11 mm long; filaments erect, inner connivent, hirsute below, muricate above; ovary with 12-16 ovules per cell. Capsule oblong or, if few ovules are fertilized, obovoid. Seeds with ridges.
Rhizomatous perennial, up to 0.5 m tall, roots few, bulbous. Leaves many, linear, undulate when young, often softly hairy. Flowers white, spotted at base, nodding, in a panicle with many ascending branches. Capsule narrowly ovoid, to ± 8 mm long, pressed upwards against rachis.
Rhizomatous perennial to 50 cm, roots few, bulbous. Leaves many, linear, undulate when young, often softly hairy. Flowers in a panicle with many ascending branches, nodding, white. Fruits narrowly ovoid.