Small; stems creeping, terete, subincrassate at the nodes, hirsute or subhirsute, with hairs to 2 mm. Leaves single and in few-leaved axillary rosettes; sheaths ca 2 by 1 mm, tapering into the petiole, outside densely hirsute, hairs 1-5 mm; petioles 1½-4cm, canaliculate, pilose with divaricate crisp hairs; lamina 1½-2½ by 1-2 cm, in outline ovate-triangular, somewhat hastate, tripartite or ternate, terminal segment 1-2 by ½-1½ cm, triangular-rhomboid, lateral segments 5-12 by 5-7 mm, ovate, all segments pinnatifid at the base, crenate towards the apex with short acuminate tips. Umbels terminal or from the axillary rosettes; peduncles 2½-3½ cm, ascendent, slender, terete, striate, densely hairy, hairs 1-2 mm, crisp; involucres 5-6, 3-5 mm, lanceolate, glabrous or sub-ciliate; pedicels 12-15, to 7 mm, inner ones shorter, glabrous. Calyx teeth to ¼ mm or absent (on the fruits). Styles ± ½ mm. Mericarps 2½-3 by nearly 2 mm, glabrous, equal or subequal.