Perennial, often reddish, more or less hirsute to glabrous; caudex with rosettes, bearing again axil-lairy rosettes; dwarf forms only 2-3 cm. Leaf sheaths 2½ by 3 mm, ciliate, tapering in the petiole; petioles 1-13 cm; lamina (3)-7-30 by (2½)-5-17mm, cuneate, trilobate or trifid, apical part: segments with 2-3 sub acuminate teeth. Peduncles (1½)-3½-37 cm, terete, striate or subsulcate; involucres 7-13, 8-12 by ½-1¼ mm, lanceolate, acute, glabrous or margin ciliate, spreading, ap-pressed in fruit; pedicels 12-30, to 5 mm, inner ones gradually shorter, spreading, to 14 mm and incurved in fruit, glabrous. Calyx teeth ¼-½ mm, narrow or broad-triangular, somewhat enlarged in fruit. Petals c. 1½ by ¾ mm, creamy white, white or violet, elliptical. Styles to ¾ mm. Mericarps to 3 by 1½ mm, glabrous, brown-yellow or tinged with red to dark violet.
Open, stony localities, brook banks, marshy grasslands, 2700-3720 m.