Stems 20-40 cm, probably ascendent, terete, densely papilose and densely hirsute with 1 mm long, stiff hairs, branched in the upper portion. Leaves sparse; sheaths 2-3 by 2 mm, semi-amplex-icaulous, tapering into the petiole, papillose like the stem, above long-ciliate, hairs 1-2 mm; petioles ½-2½ cm, hirsute and papillose like the stems; lamina 1-2 by 3-4 cm, orbicular-reniform in outline, ternate; leaflets 1-2 by 1-½ cm, attenuate towards the base, 2-3-fid or 2-3-partite, terminal segments often biserrate, at the base papillose to glabrous, on both sides sparsely hirsute to glabrous. Umbels terminal, often opposite the leaves; peduncles 3-8½ cm, terete, striate, hirsute and papillose like the stem or glabrous; involucres 6-12, 4-5 by ½-1 mm, linear-lanceolate, acute, glabrous or long-ciliate; pedicels 30-50, to 5 mm, inner ones shorter, glabrous, spreading, erect to reflexed in fruit. Calyx teeth ¼-½ mm long and broad, triangular, equal. Petals circa 1½ mm, reddish white, ovate, acute. Style 1-1½ mm. Mericarps to 2 mm long and broad, equal, black, with tuberculiform scales, especially between the intermediate ribs and the commissure, to entirely smooth.
Grassy, deforested slopes, on sandy soil, also forest edges, 1600-3500 m.