A herb, probably perennial, entirely glabrous; root fusiform, branching, fibrous; stem prostrate and much branching from the base, branches close, the slightly ascending upper ones forming a half-spherical cushion which is up to 1 cm deep and 5-15 cm in diam. Leaves very densely imbricate, near the top more or less in clusters together, the basal part half amplexicaulous and sheathing; sheath appressed, 1½-3 mm long,½-1 mm broad, narrowing towards the blade; blade spoon-shaped, 2-2½ mm long, ½-¾ mm wide, one-nerved, tip mucronate. Umbels terminal or opposite the leaf clusters, when flowering hidden among the leaves, when in fruit slightly exserted; peduncle somewhat flattened c. 2 mm long; bracts 2-4, forming an involucre, 1½-2 mm long, up to ½ mm wide, lanceolate or spathulate-lanceolate. Pedicels 1-2, slightly flattened, c. 1 mm long, in fruit up to 2½ mm long. Calyx indistinctly toothed. Petals 5, c. 1 mm long, c. ¾ mm wide, white. Stamens 5, anthers dorsifix, rounded-elliptical, pink. Styles 2, subfiliform, c. ½ mm long. Fruit glabrous, strongly flattened, kidney-shaped. Mericarps up to 2 mm long and up to 1½ mm wide, rim indistinct, the median ¾ mm distant from the commissures, slightly crowned by the styles, carpophore entire, c. 1 mm long, hardly two-tipped.