Glabrous perennial. Stem little branched, bearing rosettes. Leaves: sheath 4-8 by 2 mm, attenuate into petiole; petiole 7-30 mm, exceeding the blade; blade 3-partite, 5-8 by 5-8 mm, broad-cuneate at the base, lobes almost equal, obtuse, mucronate. Umbel 1 from a rosette, peduncle +-as long as the leaves or +-shorter, in fruit twice as long, striate or subsulcate; involucral bracts 5-7, linear-lanceolate, 3-4 mm by 0.75 mm, obtuse, subappressed. Flowers 5-10, in 1(-2) rows. Pedicels in fl. 1-2 mm, in fr. to 7 mm, incurved. Calyx lobes minute. Petals rounded, c. 1 by 0.8 mm. Filaments linear, widened to base, 0.4 mm; Anthercells 0.3 by 0.15 mm. Ovary 0.7 by 1 mm; style c. 0.4 mm. Mericarps 2 by 1.7 mm, equal; carpophore undivided, 4-apiculate, sulcate.