A perennial, monoecious, puberulous and pubescent weakly or non-urticating climbing herb up to 3 m. tall.. Petiole 0.4–1.7 cm. long; blade lanceolate, 4–5 cm. long, 1–2 cm. wide, acute or shortly acutely acuminate, shallowly cordate, serrate, membranaceous, 5(–7)-nerved from the base, lateral nerves 5–6 pairs, not prominent above and scarcely so beneath, sparingly adpressed pubescent above, sparingly puberulous beneath, and evenly pubescent along the midrib and main nerves both above and beneath.. Stipules lanceolate, 3–4 mm. long, acute, sparingly pubescent to subglabrous.. Inflorescences leaf-opposed, 2.5–3.5 cm. long, the peduncles 2–3 mm. long, robust, densely flowered, ♂ in the upper half, with 4–6 ♀ flowers below; axis densely pubescent; ♂ bracts ovate, 2 mm. long, acute, entire, pubescent without, glabrous within, 1-flowered; bracteoles lanceolate, 1.5 mm. long; ♀ bracts 4 mm. long, and bracteoles 2.5 mm. long, otherwise as in ♂.. Male flowers: pedicels 1.5 mm. long, pubescent; buds subglobose; calyx-lobes broadly ovate-suborbicular, ± 2 mm. long and wide, minutely apiculate and cucullate, sparingly pubescent without, glabrous within, green; stamens 0.5 mm. long, filaments short and thick, anthers 0.7 mm. wide; pistillode trifid, flat, its segments dilated at the apex.. Female flowers: pedicels 1.5 mm. long, thicker than those of ♂, densely pubescent; calyx-lobes 3, 2.5 mm. long, 3 mm. wide, extending to 5 mm. long and 7 mm. wide in fruit, broadly to transversely ovate in outline, with 10 narrowly lanceolate or subulate lobules on each side, and a lanceo-late terminal lobule, much shorter than the width of the rhachis, pubescent without, minutely puberulous within, the rhachis brownish when dry, the lobules greenish; ovary trigonous, 1.75 mm. diameter, densely setose; styles 3, ± 2 mm. long, united for half their length, subglabrous, the free parts patent, slightly recurved at the apex, the stigmatic surfaces rugulose.. Fruits trilobate, 3 mm. long, 6 mm. diameter, evenly setose.. Mature seeds not known.