Scandent shrub with twining stems, sometimes small erect shrub, up to 1.5(-3) m high. Leaves triangular-ovate to narrowly linear-lanceolate, 13-57 x 4-30 mm, apex narrowly acute to obtuse, base obtuse to truncate or slightly cordate, main vein prominent below, lamina glabrous to densely white-pilose, becoming glabrescent with maturity. Sepals ovate, acute, 1.5-4 x 1.2 mm. Petals 6-11 x 4.8 mm, lilac fading to white with age. Stamens with filaments 4-6 mm long; anthers ovate, 1.5-2.5 mm long. Fruit with wings orbiculate, margins entire or ± deeply emarginate at top and bottom, 25-40 mm long, glabrous or with a few dark hairs, green ripening to pale brown, often with maroon tinge.