Annual herb, sometimes forming mats; stems to 30 cm long, usually with appressed hairs often below spreading white hairs. Leaves with 2 pairs of leaflets, the lower pair inserted well above stem; leaflets spreading, narrowly elliptic, oblique, acute to acuminate, subglabrous adaxially, with white appressed hairs abaxially; upper pair 4.5–21 mm long, 1–5 mm wide, lower pair smaller. Flowering pedicel 2–7 mm long, upright. Sepals c. 3 mm long, glabrous adaxially, with white-appressed hairs abaxially. Petals (3.5–) 4.5–8 (–11) mm long, yellow throughout. Extrastaminal glands 5; intrastaminal glands absent. Stamens usually 5, rarely more or less (see note below), extra ones usually staminodal, at maturity equal to stigma; filaments c. 3 mm long. Ovary 5-lobed, appressed white-pubescent, impressed and glabrous at base at point of insertion of stamens; style (including stigma) 1–4 mm long. Fruit shortly pubescent, of 1–5, tardily dissociating, fully developed cocci; pedicel 6.5–18 mm long, usually deflexed. Cocci dorsally straight, 2.5–4 mm high, with pair of divergent basal spines 0.8–1 mm long dorsally and sometimes pair at base next to pedicel.