Tribulus terrestris L.

Puncturevine (en), Tribule terrestre (fr), Croix-de-Malte (fr), Herse (fr), Rasèle (fr)


Angiosperms > Zygophyllales > Zygophyllaceae > Tribulus


Prostrate annual; herbage whitish-pubescent, especially young shoots, becom-ing glabrate on older parts; stems more or less hirsute and sericeous, to 1 m long. Leaves 2-4.5 cm long, ca 1 cm wide; leaflets 4-6(-8) pairs, subsessile, ovate to elliptic, inequilateral, unequal, acute or obtuse, middle pairs largest, densely ap-pressed silky-pubescent giving younger parts a silvery appearance, becoming glab iate, largest 4-1 1 mm long, 2-4 mm wide; stipules subulate to falcate, pu-bescent, 1-5 mm long, to 1 mm wide. Buds ovoid-, obtuse, 2-3 mm long. Flowers 5-10 mm in diam; peduncles shorter to longer than shortest pair of leaves, hirsute and strigose, bent but little thickened distally in fruit, 2-7 mm long in flower, 5-15 mm long in fruit; sepals ovate-lanceolate, acute, hirsute, the margins scarious, minutely ciliate, 2-4 mm long, 1.5-2 mm wide; petals yellow, oblong, 2.5-5 mm long, 1-3 mm wide; outer nectaries more or less bilobed, yellowish; stamens with filaments subulate, 2-3 mm long, the anthers cordate, versatile, 1 mm long; inner whorl of nectaries triangular, yellow, free; ovary hirsute with stiff upward-spread-ing bulbous-based trichomes, 1-5 mm high, the style 1-1.5 mm long, the stigma globose, slightly asymmetrical, ca 1 mm in diam. Fruit 10-1 5 mm in diam ex-cluding spines, 4-12 mm high; mericarps dorsally crested and tuberculate, bearing 2 conical spreading dorsal spines 3-7 mm long and 2 smaller spines near base directed downward or latter absent, hispid and densely sericeous to strigose or almost glabrate, gray to green, sometimes 1 or more aborting.
Prostrate, subglabrous, more rarely villous, herb; stems 20–100 cm long. Leaves in unequal pairs, with 4–7 pairs of leaflets; leaflets narrowly elliptic, 5–12 mm long, 1–5 mm wide, oblique at base, acuminate, acute or rounded, subglabrous or sparsely villous adaxially, moderately to densely villous abaxially, ±concolorous. Flowering pedicel 5–15 mm long, upright. Sepals 3–6.5 mm long, glabrous or pubescent adaxially, pubescent abaxially except sometimes for glabrous hyaline margin. Petals obovate, 4–12 mm long. Intrastaminal glands distinct. Stamens 10; filaments 3–4 mm long. Ovary densely white-strigose; style 0–0.3 mm long and stigma 0.9–1.3 mm long, or style 0.6–1.3 mm long and stigma 0.6–1.5 mm long. Fruit to 8 mm high, 8–12 mm wide, dissociating into 5 (rarely fewer) cocci; fruiting pedicel 10–20 mm long. Cocci woody, subglabrous or sparsely strigose, sometimes above a shorter erect and dense pubescence dorsally,  and with pair of lateral, widely diverging, medial spines 3–8 mm long, shorter downward pointing basal pair and shorter spines or tubercles between.
Herbs, annual; herbage hairy (whitish), especially young shoots, becoming glabrate. Stems prostrate, green to reddish, to 1 m, ± hirsute, sericeous. Leaves 2–4.5 × 1 cm; stipules 1–5 × to 1 mm; leaflets 6–12(–16), ovate to elliptic, largest 4–11 × 2–4 mm, densely sericeous, younger parts silvery, becoming glabrate. Pedicels shorter to longer than shorter pair of leaves, in flower 2–7 mm, in fruit 5–15 mm, apex bent. Flowers 5(–10) mm diam.; sepals ovate-lanceolate, 2–4 × 1.5–2 mm, minutely ciliate, hirsute; petals oblong, 2.5–5 × 1–3 mm; outer whorl of nectary glands yellowish, inner whorl distinct, yellow, triangular, 0.2 mm; stamen filaments 2–3 mm; anthers yellow, cordate, 1 mm; ovary 1–5 mm diam.; style 5-ridged, cylindric, stout, 1–1.5 mm; stigma globose. Schizocarps (7–)10–15 mm diam. excluding 4–12 mm spines; mericarps bearing 2 conic spreading 3–7 mm dorsal spines and sometimes 2 smaller retrorse spines near base, body green to gray or yellowish, hispid, strigose, or glabrate.
Annual ± pubescent, villous or hispid herb; branches prostrate, up to 90 cm. long; internodes up to 6 cm. long, 2-3 mm. in diameter.. Leaves 3-6 cm. long; leaflets 5-8 pairs, oblong to lanceolate, 4-8 × 1.5-5 mm.; stipules linear to lanceolate, up to 8 mm. long.. Flower medium-sized, up to 15 mm. across; pedicel 5-10 mm. long, shorter than the subtending leaf.. Sepals linear-lanceolate, 3-6 × 1-2 mm., deciduous.. Petals lemon-yellow to orange-yellow, 4-8 × 3-6 mm.. Stamens 8-10 in 2 whorls; filaments up to 3 mm. long; anthers 0.5-1 mm. long.. Ovary globular, 1 mm. across; style very short or absent; stigma pyramidal, 0.8-1.2 mm. long.. Fruit disc-shaped; stalk ± 1 cm. long; mericarp 4-5 × 2-3 mm., provided with 2 pairs of spines.
Annual herb, pubescent; branches procumbent, spreading. Leaves opposite; members of a pair unequal in size; paripinnate; leaflets in 5-10 pairs, one of each pair longer than the other, sessile, oblong to ovate, margins entire; stipules 2. Flowers axillary, solitary, subtended by smaller leaf. Calyx of 5 semi-persistent sepals; narrowly ovate, hairy outside. Petals 5, ± ovate, 3-12 mm long, yellow. Stamens 10, in 2 whorls; intrastaminal glands 10, free; anthers oblong-cordate. Flowering time Sept.-Mar. Fruit 5-angled, splitting at length into 5 indehiscent mericarps; mericarps with 2 lateral divergent acute spines and 2 shorter spines directed downwards.
Herbs, annual, prostrate, glabrous, pubescent, or hispid. Branches 20-60 cm. Leaves opposite, even-pinnate, 1.5-5 cm, with 6-16 leaflets; leaflet blades oblong to obliquely oblong, 5-10 × 2-5 mm, base slightly oblique, margin entire, apex acute to obtuse. Flower ca. 1 cm in diam. Pedicel shorter than leaves. Sepals persistent. Stamens inserted on base of disk, with scale-form appendages. Ovary 5-angled, 5-locular, with 3 or 4 ovules per locule; stigma 5-parted. Schizocarp 4-6 mm, hard, pubescent or glabrous, with 5 carpels with 2 hardened 4-6 mm spines at mid margin, surface spiny or prickly. Fl. May-Aug, fr. Jun-Sep. 2n = 24, 30, 36, 48.
Annual; stems hirsute, branched from the base, forming mats to 1 m wide; lvs short-petioled, 2–6 cm, one of each pair distinctly the larger; lfls usually 6–8 pairs, oblong, 5–15 mm; peduncles 5–10 mm; fls 8–10 mm wide; intrastaminal glands distinct, not forming a ring; body of the fr 1 cm thick, each segment with 2 stout divergent spines and a longitudinal row of tubercles; 2n=12, 24, 26, 48. Native of the Mediterranean region, well established as a roadside weed in w. U.S., and occasionally found in our range.
A slender herb. It is an annual plant. It grows 30-60 cm tall. It creeps along the ground. The stems are hairy. The leaves are compound. They are divided along the stalk into several leaflets. There is no end leaflet. The flowers are yellow and often folded. They are small and have 5 petals. The fruit are round with sharp thorns. It becomes woody and breaks into 5 wedge shaped sections when ripe. There can be 2-5 seeds in each section. The spines are very sharp and strong.
Spreading, prostrate, usually decumbent, annual herb. Leaves pinnate, usually unequal with 1 of a pair shorter than the other. Petals 3-12 mm long. Intrastaminal glands free. Fruit at length breaking up into 5 cocci. Cocci usually with 2 lateral divergent acute spines inserted above middle and 2 shorter spines directed and inserted near base of coccus. Flowers yellow.
Annual herb. Branches spreading, procumbent or decumbent. Leaves pinnate, usually unequal with 1 of a pair shorter than other. Flowers: intrastaminal glands free; petals 3-12 mm long, yellow; Sep.-Mar. Fruit schizocarp; mericarps with 2 lateral divergent acute spines inserted above middle, and 2 shorter spines directed downwards and inserted near base of mericarp.
Leaves unequal, the larger up to 6 cm. long (usually somewhat smaller) with up to 8 pairs of leaflets; the smaller up to 3·5 cm. long (usually much smaller) with up to 6 pairs of leaflets; leaflets 4–15 × 1·5–7 mm., rather oblique, oblong, oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate-ovate, acute or subobtuse, villous on both surfaces or nearly glabrous.
Glabrescent or hairy, prostrate annual, with stems radiating from a crown, up to 2 m long. Leaves opposite, unequal, pinnate, leaflets oblong, silky. Flowers solitary in axils, intrastaminal glands free, yellow. Fruit fragmenting into 5 segments, each with several sharp conical spines.
Annual herb, extremely variable in habit, with spreading prostrate and usually decumbent branches, ± pubescent, villous or hispid, sometimes glabrescent in all vegetative parts; branches up to 2 m. long, sometimes woody at the base.
Glabrescent or hairy, prostrate annual with stems radiating from a crown. Leaves opposite, unequal, pinnate, leaflets oblong, silky. Flowers solitary in axils, yellow. Fruits spiny, fragmenting into segments.
Fruit breaking up into 5 cocci, each with 2 ± strong divergent spines in the upper and 2 smaller ones in the lower part, usually crested on the back, tuberculate and strigose.
Petals light yellow, 3–8 (12) mm. long, broadly cuneate, usually shorter than or as long as or sometimes up to 2·3 times the length of the sepals.
Style very short; stigma 0·8–1·2 mm. long, hemispheric, mostly asymmetric and nearly sessile on the ovary.
Peduncle usually shorter than, or as long as the subtending leaf.
Sepals 3–6 mm. long, linear-lanceolate, usually villous outside.
Stipules up to 10 mm. long, linear or linear-lanceolate, acute.
Filaments about 3 mm. long; anthers 0·5–1 (1·2) mm. long.
A trailing herb, woody below, from pubescent to tomentose
Ovary with stiff bulbous-based hairs.
Intrastaminal glands not connate.
Life form annual
Growth form herb
Growth support free-standing
Foliage retention deciduous
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination entomogamy
Spread epizoochory
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.3 - 0.6
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer present
Photosynthetic pathway c4


A tropical plant. The twigs spread over the ground in wet places. It grows in tropical and temperate regions. It grows on sandy soils. In Ethiopia it grows between 750-1,600 m altitude. It grows between sea level and 2,300 m above sea level. It can grow in arid places. In the Indian Himalayas it grows between 3,000-3,800 m above sea level. In Argentina In Sichuan and Yunnan.
Dry open habitats, often as a weed in Europe. Sandy seashores in Japan. Sandy areas, wastelands, hillsides, residential areas at elevations below 3,300 metres in China.
Dry open habitats, often as a weed in Europe. Sandy seashores in Japan.
A pest of footpaths and fields.
Light 7-9
Soil humidity 1-5
Soil texture 4-6
Soil acidity 3-7
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 6-12


The seeds are eaten after grinding into a flour and cooked. They can be used for bread or mixed with other flours. It is used in kreb a grain mixture eaten in Chad. The fruit are brewed into a herbal tea. Oil from the fruit is used in cooking. The young leaves are cooked and eaten as greens. In Uganda they are cooked and eaten with Cleome gynandra or with sour milk. CAUTION: This plant has caused poisoning in animals due to nitrates. This nitrate would get worse in nitrogen rich soils. The cyanide or bitter principle gets removed by cooking.
Uses animal food bee plant environmental use fodder food food additive gene source material medicinal oil poison tea vertebrate poison
Edible flowers fruits leaves seeds shoots stems
Therapeutic use Analgesics (fruit), Anemia (fruit), Anorexia (fruit), Anthelmintics (fruit), Anti-inflammatory agents (fruit), Antipruritics (fruit), Aphrodisiacs (fruit), Appetite stimulants (fruit), Asthma (fruit), Calculi (fruit), Cystitis (fruit), Demulcents (fruit), Diuretics (fruit), Dyspepsia (fruit), Disorder of ejaculation (fruit), Emollients (fruit), Endophthalmitis (fruit), Erectile dysfunction (fruit), Expectorants (fruit), Fatigue (fruit), Gonorrhea (fruit), Gout (fruit), Heart diseases (fruit), Helminthiasis (fruit), Hemoptysis (fruit), Hypophosphatemia, familial (fruit), Inflammation (fruit), Kidney calculi (fruit), Kidney diseases (fruit), Narcotics (fruit), Parasympatholytics (fruit), Postnatal care (fruit), General tonic for rejuvenation (fruit), Scabies (fruit), Urinary bladder diseases (fruit), Urinary tract infections (fruit), Urination disorders (fruit), Urolithiasis (fruit), Cooling effect on body (fruit), Anthelmintics (leaf), Aphrodisiacs (leaf), Appetite stimulants (leaf), Diuretics (leaf), Fatigue (leaf), Gonorrhea (leaf), Inflammation (leaf), Leprosy (leaf), Menorrhagia (leaf), Skin diseases (leaf), Urinary calculi (leaf), Urination disorders (leaf), Analgesics (root), Anemia (root), Anorexia (root), Anthelmintics (root), Aphrodisiacs (root), Appetite stimulants (root), Asthma (root), Cystitis (root), Demulcents (root), Dental caries (root), Diuretics (root), Dyspepsia (root), Disorder of ejaculation (root), Emollients (root), Endophthalmitis (root), Expectorants (root), Fatigue (root), Gonorrhea (root), Gout (root), Heart diseases (root), Helminthiasis (root), Hemoptysis (root), Hypophosphatemia, familial (root), Inflammation (root), Laxatives (root), Menstruation-inducing agents (root), General tonic for rejuvenation (root), Scabies (root), Urinary bladder calculi (root), Urinary bladder diseases (root), Urination disorders (root), Epistaxis (seed), Gingivitis, necrotizing ulcerative (seed), Hemorrhage (seed), Jaundice (seed), General tonic for rejuvenation (seed), Skin care (seed), Skin diseases (seed), Stomatitis (seed), Urinary bladder calculi (seed), Astringents (stem), Gonorrhea (stem), Narcotics (stem), Ceremonial Medicine (unspecified), Headache (unspecified), Alterative (unspecified), Anemia (unspecified), Aperient (unspecified), Aphrodisiac (unspecified), Bright's Disease (unspecified), Cancer (unspecified), Carminative (unspecified), Diuretic (unspecified), Dysuria (unspecified), Hepatitis (unspecified), Inflammation (unspecified), Lactogogue (unspecified), Potherb (unspecified), Psoriasis (unspecified), Refrigerant (unspecified), Scabies (unspecified), Skin (unspecified), Spermatorrhea (unspecified), Stomachic (unspecified), Stomatitis (unspecified), Tonic (unspecified), Urogenital (unspecified), Vertigo (unspecified), Astringent (unspecified), Congestion (unspecified), Gonorrhea (unspecified), Lung (unspecified), Rheumatism (unspecified), Abortifacient (unspecified), Apertif (unspecified), Bladder (unspecified), Chest (unspecified), Circulation (unspecified), Cough (unspecified), Digestive (unspecified), Leprosy (unspecified), Parturition (unspecified), Sore(Throat) (unspecified), Tumor(Nose) (unspecified), Vermifuge (unspecified), Calculus (unspecified), Eye (unspecified), Liver (unspecified), Neurasthenia (unspecified), Demulcent (unspecified), Depurative (unspecified), Venereal (unspecified), Aphrodisiacs (unspecified), Cystitis (unspecified), Dental caries (unspecified), Diuretics (unspecified), Erectile dysfunction (unspecified), Gout (unspecified), Kidney calculi (unspecified), Kidney diseases (unspecified), Leukorrhea (unspecified), Liver diseases (unspecified), Urination disorders (unspecified), Urolithiasis (unspecified), Hair loss (whole plant), Analgesics (whole plant), Anthelmintics (whole plant), Anti-bacterial agents (whole plant), Anti-inflammatory agents (whole plant), Antineoplastic agents (whole plant), Antirheumatic agents (whole plant), Aphrodisiacs (whole plant), Asthma (whole plant), Calculi (whole plant), Cardiotonic agents (whole plant), Colic (whole plant), Cough (whole plant), Diabetes mellitus (whole plant), Diuretics (whole plant), Dysuria (whole plant), Edema (whole plant), Facial paralysis (whole plant), Fever (whole plant), Gastrointestinal diseases (whole plant), Gout (whole plant), Heart diseases (whole plant), Hemorrhage (whole plant), Hemorrhoids (whole plant), Hernia (whole plant), Hypolipidemic agents (whole plant), Immunomodulation (whole plant), Insecticides (whole plant), Kidney calculi (whole plant), Liver diseases (whole plant), Metabolism (whole plant), Paralysis (whole plant), Parasympatholytics (whole plant), Urinary bladder diseases (whole plant), Urinary calculi (whole plant), Urolithiasis (whole plant), Urticaria (whole plant), Vaginal diseases (whole plant), Rheumatoid arthritis (whole plant)
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Plants grow very easily from seeds. They germinate in a few days after rain. Seeds can survive fro long periods in the soil. It has a short lifecycle.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Tribulus terrestris habit picture by Alain Lagrave (cc-by-sa)
Tribulus terrestris habit picture by Acosta García Isabel (cc-by-sa)
Tribulus terrestris habit picture by Dominique Wernert (cc-by-sa)


Tribulus terrestris leaf picture by Abrignani Nico (cc-by-sa)
Tribulus terrestris leaf picture by Anthony Raoux (cc-by-sa)
Tribulus terrestris leaf picture by Alain Lagrave (cc-by-sa)


Tribulus terrestris flower picture by Pasquale (cc-by-sa)
Tribulus terrestris flower picture by Anthony Raoux (cc-by-sa)
Tribulus terrestris flower picture by Anthony Raoux (cc-by-sa)


Tribulus terrestris fruit picture by Alain Lagrave (cc-by-sa)
Tribulus terrestris fruit picture by fournier (cc-by-sa)
Tribulus terrestris fruit picture by Martin Bishop (cc-by-sa)


Tribulus terrestris world distribution map, present in Angola, Anguilla, Albania, Andorra, United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Burundi, Benin, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Brazil, Bhutan, Botswana, Central African Republic, Canada, Chile, China, Cameroon, Comoros, Cabo Verde, Cyprus, Germany, Djibouti, Algeria, Ecuador, Egypt, Spain, Ethiopia, Fiji, France, Georgia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Guinea, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Cambodia, Kuwait, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Madagascar, Maldives, Mexico, North Macedonia, Mali, Myanmar, Montenegro, Mongolia, Mozambique, Mauritania, Malawi, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Papua New Guinea, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Senegal, Somalia, Serbia, South Sudan, Slovakia, Slovenia, eSwatini, Syrian Arab Republic, Turks and Caicos Islands, Chad, Togo, Thailand, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Taiwan, Province of China, Tanzania, United Republic of, Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, United States of America, Uzbekistan, Viet Nam, Yemen, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe

Conservation status

Tribulus terrestris threat status: Least Concern


WFO ID wfo-0000457857
COL ID 586J2
BDTFX ID 68870
INPN ID 127131
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Tribulus acanthococcus Tribulus hispidus Tribulus kotschyanus Tribulus micans Tribulus muricatus Tribulus murex Tribulus humifusus Hedysarum uniflorum Tribulus saharae Tribulus lanuginosus Tribulus orientalis Tribulus robustus Tribulus albus Tribulus gussonei Tribulus terrestris var. sericeus Tribulus maximus var. roseus Tribulus terrestris var. macrocarpus Tribulus terrestris

Lower taxons

Tribulus terrestris var. bicornutus Tribulus terrestris var. rajasthanensis