Herb, possibly annual, well branched from the base, base woody, stems there up to 1.25 mm in diam., diffuse, leafy except below the inflorescences, glandular-pilose, hairs patent, up to 1-1.5 mm long. Leaves opposite, uppermost one on each twig sometimes solitary, blade c. 7-12 x 6-9 mm, elliptic or ovate, base cuneate, tapering into a flat petiolar part 3-5 mm long, roughly half length of blade, upper margins with 2-3 pairs of coarse teeth, both surfaces glandular-pilose, hairs up to 2 mm long. Flowers up to c. 15 in lax racemes, each terminating a bare peduncle up to 40 mm long at tips of branches. Bracts at base of inflorescence c. 5-7 x 1-2 mm, spathulate or almost leaf-like, smaller and narrower upwards, adnate to pedicel and calyx tube, pubescent all over, hairs gland-tipped, up to 1-1.5 mm long. Pedicels up to 0.75-2 mm long. Calyx tube 0.25-0.5 mm long, anticous lobe c. 3.25-4 x 0.5-0.75 mm, anticous lip split c. 3.25-4 mm, whole calyx glandular-pilose, hairs up to 0.75 mm long. Corolla tube c. 4.5 x 1 mm, broadening slightly in throat, limb c. 4 mm across lateral lobes, posticous lobes c. 1.5 x 1 mm, anticous lobe c. 2 x 1 mm, all lobes elliptic, very sparsely and minutely glandular-puberulous outside, glabrous inside, colour unknown but possibly white with an orange patch running down back of corolla tube. Stamens 4, anticous pair exserted, posticous pair included, filaments decurrent nearly to base of tube, anthers c. 0.5 mm long. Stigma probably exserted. Capsules 3-4.5 x 2 mm Seeds c. 6-10 in each loculus, c. 0.6-0.75 x 0.5 mm, sinuously wrinkled in longitudinal bands, pallid amber.
Glandular-hairy ?annual. Leaves opposite. Flowers in lax racemes, tube short and minutely glandular-hairy, colour unknown.